The conference will be focused on the
latest advances in Design Methods and
Tools in Industrial Engineering and
Architecture/Civil Engineering, with
regard to:
• Innovative Design Methods
• Geometric Modelling and Industrial
• Virtual Reality and Interactive Design
• Integrated Product and Process Design
• Knowledge and Product Data Management
• Innovation in Architecture and Building
Information Modelling
• Engineering methods in human-related
The contributions will be selected for oral
or poster session.
All the proceedings will be published in the
official site of ADM; hard copy of the abstract
and CD with the full papers will be
given to all conference participants.
Authors will be invited to submit extended
abstracts which will be peer reviewed for
relevance to the conference topics.
Full papers will be peer reviewed for acceptance
with the essential corrections
and proposed for oral presentation or
poster session. Papers submission details
will be available on this link.
All the accepted papers have been published on Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering a book edited by Springer, indexed in SCOPUS.”
Selected papers will be invited to be submitted to the International Journal of Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM).

The conference will take place in Catania, an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily facing the Ionian Sea, between Messina and Syracuse. Catania has had a long and eventful history, having been founded in the 8th century BC. In 1434, it witnessed the opening of the first university in Sicily.
Inaugural speech of JCM 2016 opening ceremony
Dear University Chancellor, Directors, Presidents, illustrious colleagues, ladies and gentlemen good morning, it is a great honour for me to inaugurate the International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing, over the next three days Catania will host some renowned researchers from all over Europe and beyond.
I'm particularly reminded that in 1976, exactly 40 years ago, many of us had not yet graduated, a young ADM was enjoying his first conference at the University of Catania in part due to enthusiastic organisation by Prof. Santo Licciardello who was a dear friend and colleague.
Today, being international the conference has become more important for which many thanks go to the Presidents of the AIP Primeca, INGEGRAF and ADM, who chose Catania for the conference.
Lets hope we are up to the challenge!
For our part we wanted to honour the proceedings by having the opening ceremony in this Benedictine monastery, one of the most important monuments in my city. I would like to thank the Director of the Department of Humanities which is hosting us on this first day of the conference.
We will be focussing on the latest advances in design methods and tools in industrial engineering which have made such innovative changes recently in industrial processes. We should not forget that we are proud to consider ourselves the ancestors of a certain Leonardo da Vinci, universally considered the inventor of modern technical drawing.
It is also very encouraging to see growing cooperation between Academia and Industry. There was a prompt and enthusiastic response from all our sponsors: Alfa Romeo, Altair, EOS, Haption, MSC Software, Pirelli, Softech-PTC, ST Microelectronics, all of whom are from Industry, and without whom this conference would never have happened.
I cannot leave you without acknowledging all the people whose dedication and hard work have contributed so much to the success of this venture. First and foremost, I would like to commend the members of the scientific committee and their untiring Program chair Sergio Rizzuti for performing the herculean task of selection and evaluation with admirable dedication, efficiency and rigour.
I would like to thank the members of the organizing committee and the Conference secretariat Francesca Campagna, whose efforts went far beyond the call of duty, and special mention goes to Gaetano Sequenzia, who in recent months has been much more than my right-hand man having taken on much of the organisation himself.
Great thanks too goes to the Keynote Speakers Francesco Caizzone from ST Microelectronics Catania, Antonio Gloria from CNR Napoli, Frederic Noel from University of Grenoble, Emmanuel Duc from University of Clermont and Pierangelo Misani from Pirelli, who accepted our invitation enthusiastically.
Particular thanks go to the Chancellor Giacomo Pignataro for providing the support of the University of Catania and for having contributed to the success of our conference.
Finally, thanks to everyone here – conference success is measured by attendance – and to our number many more will arrive tomorrow – thanks especially to those researchers who are presenting their findings at our conference.
Welcome all and have a great experience!
Massimo Oliveri Conference Chair